Baltic United FC leads League of Ireland

Newly affiliated to the International Football Federation 7 Ireland is another country to be part of an important group of the 7 world-wide football. Among the competitions held by Elite F7 Soccer League the F7 Spark Energy League stands out by bringing together main football 7 teams in the country. With the tournament in progress stand out for Baltic United FC, who leads the competition.
Next to FC Albania, Universitatea Craiova, FC Poland, Baltic United FC is one of the top teams in Ireland. In the dispute of the F7 Spark Energy League the team leads with 37 points in 14 games. In all, there were 12 wins, a draw and a loss. Second place is Universitatea Craiova, who has 33 points.
The Baltic is one of the teams confirmed in the European Championship of football Clubs 7 which will be held in Barcelona (Spain). The champion guarantees a place in the 2018 World Club Championship which will be held in Brazil in December.