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Sidekicks (MEX) wins Avaí (BRA) in decision and wins the World Club Championship 2017


After three days of intense disputes, the Sidekicks (MEX) won the World Club Championship. Last Sunday (10), the Mexican team faced Avaí (BRA) in an exciting match. With the victory by 5 to 1, the team won the title of the international competition playing on Brazilian soil. In 2014, also playing in Brazil, the team was runner-up.

The Sidekicks arrived on the big decision after an unbeaten campaign in the tournament. In the first phase, the team surpassed Atletico F7 (BRA) by 5 to 3, the Ciclon (PAR) by 5 to 4 and finished the first phase before Atletico Nacional (COL) with a 7-1 victory. In the first elimination match the victory came in the Shoot-Outs after a 3-3 draw against the Colinas (ECU).

In the semifinal the Mexican team faced Malvin (URU) and dominated the whole game. With a victory by 6-0 the team won a place in the final. In the decision the Sidekicks had like adversary a Brazilian team. Avai arrived too Undefeated in contention for the title. However, in the grand finale, the Mexico team got the better, won by 5 to 1 and got the title of 2017.

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