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FIF7 announces investment of one million dollars and distribution of 2.250 international air tickets


The International Football Federation 7 (FIF7) football practitioner community 7 an investment that will revolutionize the sport. The entity closed an agreement with an important group of companies, sponsors and investors and, next season, will distribute 2,250 international air tickets for the affiliated leagues and their teams for participation in international tournaments. The launch event of the program will be in the International Congress of football 7, which will be held in December in Brazil.

"We are working hard on this and we know that this achievement will put football 7 a new status within the sports industry. It will be the best year in the history of the sport. Our objective is to develop the modality more and more internationally and support our affiliated leagues. We managed to bring major sponsors and investors who believe in our project. It is the realization of a dream, "said Fabian Canaveris, president of FIF7.

Currently, participating teams pay registration fee and air tickets to attend international events. Next season, FIF7 has already informed that the price of the inscriptions will be maintained the same of 2017 and the tickets will be distributed to countries who will have to pay only a symbolic operating cost with the departure tax in their countries.

150 teams will be benefited in the season 2018 more than 2000 athletes who will count on the support of the International Federation to participate in the competitions. The criterion of ticket distribution for each country will comply with FIF7's international football development project 7. The goal is for countries that have more categories developing but cities involved and more athletes, have greater benefit in relation to the number of tickets. The total investment exceeds the value of one million dollars.

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